*note: this post is almost entirely self-serving. It has nothing to do with quilts or decorating, and everything to do with me leaving Europe. As I've closed comments, this is more about me saying goodbye than it is anything else. Though, you might enjoy the sights anyway!
I'm kinda nervous about leaving, we've been here going on 3 years and it seems odd to think we won't be here any longer. I'm not one of those that made great Hungarian friends (heck, I didn't make good American friends here!) and I didn't see every inch of the country, and yet it still seems like this is home. Sorta. It's been home long enough to feel safe and comfortable. Regardless of the language barrier it was still a barrier I understood and became equipped to deal with. We are headed to a place almost as equally strange to me: Florida. I'm a Cali girl, with family in Utah. I'm use to that world, and the idea of being so far from them and in a new state is nerve wracking. Though, for all of that, I'm so excited to be heading home. To a country where I can go into have a vehicle inspection done and not need to spend 10 minutes waiting for them to find someone who speaks english, and spend another 10 minutes with them on the phone with my interpreter trying to figure out that, yes, I do have an appointment, and yes, it's just for a routine inspection. Sheesh, that I won't miss. I'm also looking forward to being in a place with gymnastics, t-ball, football, ballet, and scouts for my kids. I'm looking forward to being able to tell the cashier that I forgot something, and that I'll be right back. I'm looking forward to being able to go to a movie, or to a mall and find clothes made for women that aren't way short and skinny (I'm neither:) I'm also looking forward to going into a store in October and seeing decorations. I'm looking forward to having all the stores closed on the 4th Thursday in November. I'm looking forward to Christmas specials on TV, and stores bustling with activity. I'm looking forward to not having to stay up till 2 in the morning trying to watch a football game. I'm looking forward to home. The sights, the sounds, the ideas, the attitudes. Culture is very important, and for me, I've been gone from my culture for long enough. This is our 2nd time overseas, and I would go overseas again, but we need to be home for a while. With that, I'll leave a few pics of the places we went while we were here. Well, as I only have the last few months on my hard-drive, I'll just put photos from this summer. Pics here don't include: Prague, Bratislava, Budapest, Vienna, Berlin, Holland, Lake Bled in Slovenia, etc, or the local area. However, here is what we did over our summer vacation (er... NOT in order)

Croatia: the view from our apartment in
Germany: The alps, seen in from the steps of our rustic cabin. Been here summer and winter, both magical.
Italy: the hillside in Verona. In there is the Roman era theatre.
Castello Scaligero, on the coast of Lake Garda
France: Sandcastles on the French Rivera, on one of the beaches taken by the allies during WWII
Carcasonne, full medieval fortress. You can still go in and shop modern shops in ancient stalls.
France: the sunflower fields stretched for miles and miles.
Normandy beaches (this is Utah beach, but we also went to Omaha)
American Cemetery at Normandy.
France: Paris. Second time. This time we were 10 years older, married, and with our children.
Belgium and Luxembourg: we had little time, but we got the chance to see them both.
Plitvice lakes. Top 10 waterfalls in the world, and for very good reasons.
Castle Predjama. Built into the cave system behind it, perched on the hillside. AMAZING.
Italy: Venice. Second time, first time I hated it, this time rocked.
Corfu water is an amazing color.
Greece: Santorini. Didn't meet any French archeologist, but did enjoy the fabulous black sand beach.
Greece: Athens, the Parthenon. I'm a history major, and I was stoked to be there, to put it mildly.
Kotor. Medieval city, amazing architecture. The fortifications climb the entire hill side.
Croatia: Split,
Diocletian's Palace. Late Roman Emperor, this was his retirement house.
Slovenia: country side on the way to Castle
Predjama and
Postojna caves.
We had an amazing three years here. I guess this is my way of saying goodbye.