Friday, October 16, 2009

Grosgrain and the Queen of Hearts

There are those in the world with talent they never discover. And then there are those lucky enough to know exactly what their talent is.

Kathleen is one of those lucky enough to know where her talent lies.
And it lies here:

A-fricken-mazing. Truely. I'm not going to enter beacuse Jaina is set on being Dorothy for Halloween, and it takes 3 weeks for anything to get here by mail! But, still, even if you don't have a little girl think about taking the time to go see her work. It's fantastic!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Quilt Festival

I planned on posting this yesterday, but with a sick 3 year old my time was spent cuddling on the couch! I did want to still play along, though, as I have such fun going through all the blogs and seeing all the quilts.

This is one of my favorite quilts, mostly because I figured out the pattern all on my own. I was new to quilting (this was all of a year ago:) and I was so amazed that I was actually able to figure out sizing, cutting, and I got the whole thing together!I did have issues with the binding, and this is actually the second binding to go on this quilt, but I sure learned a lot! It's amazing what you learn with a seam ripper in your hand. It may have taken me forever, but I finally managed to get it into the hands of a good family friend at a time when he needed the reminder of friendship. For me that is what quilting is all about, being able to wrap someone you care about in a physical reminder of love.

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ah, the kids are back in school for about 3 hours a day. They are much better friends now then they were a week ago!

But since we are not keeping them in for lunch the school doesn't provide a morning snack (it's all or none), so we take a bagged snack. And, of course, I had to make a cute bag for each kid! I found a tutorial here, mostly for the dimensions. I didn't really feel like having to figure them out on my own! I'll admit to fussing with the size, and though it worked well, if I make any more I'll make them slightly deeper. What I did works well for a snack but would be too small for a lunch.
I really do love them!
Jaina's is made out of Sandi Hendersons Farmer's Market Vintage Cherries via her rocking Aunt Angie (Thanks Angie!!). Angie sent me several pieces of the line since she knows how much I love it. And look how amazing it looks for this lunch pack!
Brendan's was a stash pull; his only requirement was that it had to have green. He loves green, just ask him, he'll tell ya:)
As for other quilting news, I have to admit that I finally did it, I finally spent a 50% coupon at for batting. I can't really get any here that are what I normally use, and I can't buy one at a time and make it worthwile, so I bought a 45x40 yard bolt of warm and natural. Can't wait till it gets here! I can get back to actually making quilts again once I have batting. What a concept:)