Sunday, March 1, 2009

Dear readers:

Did you know that you are still out there?? Yep, just thought I'd share that bit of news with you. I, however, am still reeling at the notion! I wanted to let you know that we got to Hungary safely and soundly, and my sewing machine has as well! I, uh, haven't used it yet, but it's there waiting patiently for me. And i get a sewing room here!! Whoo and Hoo! I'll have to run around taking pictures of the house and the town to share... Though honestly if you want to be impressed with the town I should wait until spring. It's, well, it's dreary right now, to say the least. And interesting as well. There are obvious parts of town that scream Soviet architecture (such as it was) and is a reminder of what this part of the world has lived through. They are a quiet people that keep much to themselves; they have houses surrounded with fences; they have an old town of gray and the new buildings of riotous color. It's an interesting mix, and one that I'm looking forward to seeing more of. They are a personable people when you meet them one on one, but they are a quiet people that mostly keep to themselves.

I think I'll like it here.

So, hopefully I'll get pictures taken and some more stories to share with you all. Till then I'll just tell ya that tomrrow (the 2nd) is the second time I will (ahem) turn 29:)- As I will every year. I'm going to celebrate by oridering a bicycle jacket and some new fabric. Ah, and sharing my day, and my cake, with the three bestest people I could hope for.

Thank you all so much for still being out there. I don't handle rejection well and when I started this blog I had to just throw myself out there and hope for the best. That you all care and are still wandering about waiting for me warms my heart in a way I can't easily explain.

It's good to be back!

Oh, I should edit this to add at least one photo. This is my yard last week. Coming as we did from sunny, and in the 70's, California this was a bit of a change!